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Color Analysis is a Good Investment for Yourself and the Planet

Color Analysis is a good investment for yourself and the planet.  Let’s look at what Color Analysis is, and what it can do for you.

Professional color analysis determines a person’s unique coloring through a color draping in natural sunlight or “blue” daylight bulbs.  During the color draping, an individual’s best range of colors is determined based on:  their overall undertone, value and intensity of their skin, hair, and eye color, as well as their overtone, facial appearance, and personality. While the skin undertone and overtone play the most important part in the analysis, an individual’s hair, eye color, and personality are also considered.

The trained color analyst will start with the determination of the skin’s undertone and overtone and then add into the mix the unique hair and eye coloring as well as personality.  I tell my clients that discovering their colors is like a treasure hunt, and each bit of information is like a clue to finding the treasure.

Once I determine the color season and color flow of my client, I create a personalized color swatch and color guide to help them shop for the correct colors.  The color guide helps them with color coordination, the best contrast they can wear, and even the best eyewear and makeup colors to wear.


Why is Color Analysis a Good Investment?

Color Analysis and understanding the range of colors that look best on you, will produce a host of benefits for you, both tangible and intangible. The tangible results?

  1. You will actually buy less, but those items will be worn more because they will flatter you. Ask any woman you know about the amount of clothing in their closet (if they haven’t had a color analysis) that they actually wear… and the average will be an astounding 15-20%.  This is because women buy because they like the “look” of a garment, but haven’t been trained to ascertain whether it looks good on them.
  2. Your closet will mix and match with ease, as your color range will coordinate. This means more outfits for less money, and less stress, as you will always have an outfit that looks great on you.
  3. You will spend less time shopping (i.e. save time) as you can walk into a shop or an online store with your color swatch and go directly to the colors that make you shine, eliminating endless trolling and scrolling.
  4. You will look younger, healthier, and mentally sharper when you wear your best colors- you can also wear less makeup and stress less as the color coordination is much simpler with your targeted color range.
  5. You will understand how to create the image you desire through the skillful use of color and contrast. Want to look more authoritative and powerful for that most important presentation?  Wear your highest color contrast.  Want to look soft and feminine for that special date?  You will know the colors that will do that for you after your color analysis session.
cinfident woman in great suit


What About the Intangible Benefits?

The best intangible benefit is confidence.  Confidence that you are looking your best, but also in the knowledge and understanding of how color can shape perception.  You will have the confidence to know how to dress for each event and situation in your life, knowing that you nailed your look.  My clients have also explained that they feel empowered.  Let’s face it…shopping for our female figures is hard!  We have our curvy bodies, and we are all different shapes and sizes.  Combine this with the fact that there is no one size standard for women, and the plethora of choices that we have…and it makes for a recipe for disaster at times…i.e. it’s like finding a needle in a haystack so to speak.  But having your color swatch gives you a strategy for shopping.  You start with looking for your best colors and patterns, and then you look at the appropriateness of the style (figuring out that part of the puzzle is done during my Signature Personal Styling Session).  This eliminates a good part of the store or website so that you have the upper hand in finding the best garments that will suit you.

confident woman of color smiling


Color Analysis is Earth Friendly

When you know your best colors, you will be more selective when shopping.    Knowledge of your best colors, patterns, and fabrics eliminates impulse buying or buying something just because it is on sale.  You will have less waste in your closet as you carefully choose those garments and accessories that are perfect for you.  When you love something, you will wear it to death before you let go of it.  You will also be able to shop anywhere, including thrift and consignment stores to choose pre-loved items in colors that make you look fantastic.  In addition, when your color palette coordinates, it means more outfit combinations with fewer items purchased, which equals a happier you- with more money in your pocket and less waste to our landfills.

Color Analysis is a good investment for yourself and the planet because it reaps benefits long after your session.  You will be able to build a sustainable wardrobe with classic garments in your color palette which stand the test of time as they will always be in style and look fabulous on you.  You can also add on-trend items that keep you up to date but also coordinate with your classic color palette from season to season.  You will be more conscious of your purchases, purchase less on impulse, and be specific about what you are looking to add each season when you look at the on-trend colors.  You will be mindful of the fact that not every style and color trend will be for you, but when you find that perfect color, style, and fit combination you can be sure it will be worn with joy and purpose.

I offer both in-person color analysis as well as a virtual color analysis consultations.  Click these links to schedule yours today or schedule a 15-minute complimentary Zoom Discovery Session with me here.

As always, I would love to help you navigate these uncertain times and make sure that your image is leveling up to your career and personal goals.  Don’t let your style or lack of confidence hold you back from all this life has for you. A great place to start is The Foundation package. This all-inclusive package includes both a professional color analysis as well as a personal styling consultation.  Contact me today and let’s chat.

Pat Gibson is a certified Image Consultant, Personal Stylist, and owner of The Artistry of You, LLC. To learn more about how Pat can help you achieve your best personal style and image call 440-212-2269 or email , or click here to schedule a complimentary style discovery session!